Department of Education Special National School
Designation: Moderate Learning Disability

Under the Patronage of the Diocese of Cork and Ross. The Patron is Bishop Fintan Gavin.

Managed by a Voluntary Board of Management comprising of one patron’s nominees, two community members, two teaching representatives and two parent representatives.

Principal – The Principal is appointed by the Board of Management. The role of the Principal is outlined in NCSE 2000 Guidelines.

13 Full-Time Teachers including the Principal, funded directly by the DES

5 Specialist Part- time Teaching posts funded by the E.T.B and Dept. of Education.

Special Needs Assistants, Secretary, Cleaning and Maintenance Staff, Bus Driver, Bus Escorts




Our Lady of Good Counsel School,
Innishmore, Ballincollig,
Co. Cork.

T 021 4878370.

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